Banff Avenue Closing to Vehicular Traffic

Banff Ave. Closure - From Town of Banff
Banff Ave. Closure - From Town of Banff

Starting this Friday April 30, Banff Avenue will be closed to vehicular traffic to create a pedestrian zone which will help promote social distancing and enhance the user experience.

The 100 and 200 blocks of Banff Avenue and a portion of Caribou Street will close to vehicular traffic starting Friday April 30, 2021 and will last all summer.

This will provide more space for pedestrians to practice physical distancing, and to provide local businesses with more space to help comply with continuing capacity restrictions on indoor businesses.

This year cycling will be permitted within the pedestrian zone. This traffic will be subject to signage indicating cyclists yield to pedestrians and maintain a ‘dead slow’ speed and transit will be allowed in the zone.

Restaurant’s event-style tents used last year will not be permitted as part of the pedestrian zone. These restaurants must make use of other devices for barriers and make use of sun umbrellas for weather protection.

Banff Map - From Town of Banff
Traffic flow in Banff Map – From Town of Banff

Last year’s closure was very successful and allowed visitors to social distance much better than if the road was open to vehicles. Some days had so many people in the street it is hard to believe that they all used to fit on the sidewalks.

According to the town of Banff, up to 30,000 people walk down Banff Avenue on a busy summer day. Nobody can accurately forecast the summer this year but as it currently looks, 2021 is predicted to be busier than 2020 as vaccines roll out and restrictions eventually ease.

What do you think about this roadway modification? Are you looking forward to Banff Avenue closing to vehicular traffic? Should the closure be permanent? Share your opinion on the Bow Valley Network Facebook group.

For more detailed information including where to park, visit